17.9.2012 39 % performance decline due to lack of appreciation The management style of a superior has an influence on employees' health that is not to be underestimated. This is made clear by Anne Schassan, organisational developer, and ...
23.8.2012 Coaching: How to become a successful entrepreneur Specialist, manager or entrepreneur? In his book "Der Weg zum erfolgreichen Unternehmer" the entrepreneur and coach Stefan Merath describes from his point of view decisive tasks ...
16.8.2012 Healthy Organisation: Data for mental health In its study about the health of adults in Germany (DEGS), the Robert-Koch-Institute also establishes data with regard to mental health.First results of the DEGS-Study have been ...
2.8.2012 Managment Diagnostics: Is power learnable? What is your relationship to power? Is power in your opinion connoted negatively? Does the belief in a fair world stop you to practise power? Jeffrey Pfeffer, well-known economist ...
26.7.2012 Strategic Personnel Development: Experience-based learning The venerable Harvard Business School (HBS) has now in its program, what we have implemented in our development programs for many years for our customers: Development works ...
2.7.2012 Healthy Organisation: ec4U expert consulting company Reflect accompanies ec4u, one of the leading consulting companies in the German-speaking area for CRM and BI solutions, on its way to a "healthy organization"! One of the ...
14.6.2012 Strength-based feedback in trainings pays off Trainings cost money. Some small and medium-sized businesses do think long and hard about how much money they want to spend for it. Investment in trainings have to be well dosed ...
29.5.2012 Management Diagnostics: "Just be yourself!" "Just be yourself!" is an old maxim for behaviour in everyday life and also a common advice for potential contestants of assessment and development centers. If you are able to ...
9.5.2012 A new perspective: Developmental Leadership How important "Developmental Leadership" in context of key tasks of leadership is, is known to experienced managers at least since the concept "Situational Leadership" of Hershey ...
30.4.2012 Engagement-Index This is the download for the new engagement index of the Gallup-Institut for 2011. Positive trend: the number of employees with a high attachment to their company has increased. ...
23.4.2012 Happiness and Success This is an enterntaining video of Shawn Achor, CEO of Good Think and ex-Harvard-academic, connecting happiness and success.