2.4.2019 Digital Leadership The story of the Tower of Babel ends with monolingual mankind having to disperse because they suddenly speak all the different languages. In times of globalisation, this hurdle is ...
11.3.2019 Agile transformation (part 4) - designing a roadmap In the course of an agile transformation, after the analysis of the status quo, it is necessary to communicate clearly what exactly one wants to achieve with the transformation. ...
8.3.2019 The Adaptation Quotient (AQ) - Adjust or Drown Our working world is changing - that's an old hat now. Digitisation means that activities are more important than occupations. However, these often have to be acquired without ...
6.2.2019 Agile transformation (part 3) - three relevant premises Which basic conditions are necessary to successfully implement an agile transformation in a company? On the one hand, companies are challenged to be innovative and to react faster ...
6.2.2019 Agile transformation (part 2) - analysis of the status quo How the analysis of the current maturity level of the organization creates a solid foundation for a successful, agile transformation A thorough analysis is the basis for insights ...
10.1.2019 Agile transformation (part 1) - classic vs. agile Are the principles of classical change management still suitable for the framework conditions of the VUCA world?For some years now, agile management has been discussed, presented ...
9.1.2019 "Purpose" - the fundamental power of a healthy organization What is the meaning of the question "why" in the VUCA world? In the development of every healthy person, the question of why arises at some point in life. Parents know this ...
5.12.2018 Leadership in an agile world (10): face time How to lead your team by encouraging spatial proximityCompanies like to call themselves modern when they describe that the door to the executive's office is always open. In this ...
4.12.2018 How we will work in the future (part 2) A look into the future, how we will work and live. Perspectives and impressions of the "Learning Journey" with vitra from New York, Seattle, San Francisco and the Bay Area. ...
20.11.2018 Leadership in an agile world (9): crossfunctional teams Today's working world is characterised by rapid change. The resulting complex challenges demand a high degree of insight, determination and creativity from us. This often requires ...
20.11.2018 How we will work in the future (part 1) A look into the future, how we will work and live. Perspectives and impressions of the "Learning Journey" with vitra from New York, Seattle, San Francisco and the Bay Area. Where ...
10.10.2018 Reverse Mentoring in personnel development Sustainable effects through cross-generational learning - How to fill knowledge gaps by using internal expertise and drive the digital transformation of your company forward ...
9.10.2018 Leadership in an agile world (8): delegation poker How you can make decision-making processes transparent and sustainably promote self-organizationIn a dynamic VUCA world it is necessary that decisions are made quickly and above ...
6.9.2018 Leadership in an agile world: transparency (7) How you can achieve sustainable added value for your company with more "transparency"Whether reports on product developments, last month's sales or colleagues' "to-do" lists, ...
6.9.2018 Dimensions and factors of a healthy corporate culture How you can analyse your organisational culture and develop it sustainablyChange management often focuses on the question of which strategies are suitable for building an ...