7.2.2014 Executives want short development opportunities A current survey of the German Managers’ Confederation (ULA) among 312 executives shows quite clearly: The trend towards short formats regarding further education is unbroken. It ...
19.7.2013 Mentoring Programme Management & Coaching Mentor is a character in Homer's Odysee. He is the wise advisor, counsellor and supporter, who looked after Telemach, the son of Odysseus whilst he was away. Today, mentoring ...
29.5.2013 Personnel development for small budgets & potential sponsorship Reflect sees itself as specialist for personnel developments in small and medium-sized businesses with small budgets since they often lack company-own personnel development. ...
15.4.2013 Strategic personnel development: Mangaging the global workforce For all of those among our readers that also have a global responsibility for recruiting, employment and further development of employees in their company, we would like to ...
4.4.2013 Employees identify themselves with their company In numerous studies by the Gallup Institute it has been proven several times that emotionally attached employees perform better and switch their jobs less often. This was now ...
19.2.2013 Strategic Personnel Development: Personalization How positioned with regard to personalization is your HR-area? After the personalization if the IT sector (Amazon, Google, etc.), the insurance sector (just to calculate the price ...
7.1.2013 Strategic Personnel Development: Potential Development Why is it so difficult for us to unfold potentials in organisations? If you believe in the results of neurobiology and brain research (e. g.Huether), this is mainly because human ...
16.11.2012 HR measures for European organisations What are the most important HR measures for European organisations? The seventh "HR Barometer" gives information about this topic. The "HR Barometer" for 2012 (gathered of AON ...
5.11.2012 Strategic Personnel Development: Success Measurement The Harvard Business Review publishes in its October edition an article titled "The True Measures of Success". The author describes, how manager often are taken in by intuition ...
1.10.2012 Strategic Personnel Development: Talent Promotion How attractive is your (medium-sized) organisation for the employment market? To which extent do you succed in attracting talents to the "provinces"? How well do you develop your ...
26.7.2012 Strategic Personnel Development: Experience-based learning The venerable Harvard Business School (HBS) has now in its program, what we have implemented in our development programs for many years for our customers: Development works ...
14.6.2012 Strength-based feedback in trainings pays off Trainings cost money. Some small and medium-sized businesses do think long and hard about how much money they want to spend for it. Investment in trainings have to be well dosed ...
23.4.2012 Happiness and Success This is an enterntaining video of Shawn Achor, CEO of Good Think and ex-Harvard-academic, connecting happiness and success.