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Ingo Kallenbach

Strategic Personnel Development: Potential Development

Why is it so difficult for us to unfold potentials in organisations?
If you believe in the results of neurobiology and brain research (e. g. Huether), this is mainly because human beings have been conditioned for thousands of years to utilize ressources, to use them and to exploit them. We do so with nature as well as with other people. An act of survival.




What has been functional and reasonable for ages, is not appliable to modern times anymore. Keyword: Ecological destruction, exploitation of nature as well as the squeezing of human ressources in order to maximize achievement. This (ab)use of ressources has been "burned" into our minds over a long period of time and a kind of basic attitude has been resulted out of this. However, basic attitudes will not be changed overnight. Alternatives, namely not to (ab)use others for your own purpose, have a rough ride. It would require  a different attitude. One chance would be to become aware of these processes and to deliberately approach them in organisations. An order for decision makers in organisations but also for each individual: Encountering others inspirational and appreciative, not rating "human capital" as office-holder with respective "headcount"-number, but as a human being who likes to show achievement of its own accord, who wants to grow and develop his or her potentials. 
The lesson is clear: (Ab)use of ressources was yesterday, potential development is today!