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Ingo Kallenbach

Strategic Personnel Development: Talent Promotion

How attractive is your (medium-sized) organisation for the employment market? To which extent do you succed in attracting talents to the "provinces"? How well do you develop your talents? The two writers Zimmermann and Haen followed these questions up in a trans-European study. What is interesting within the study: Due to statements of more than 1.200 personnel managers, the subject talent management goes all in all short.Evidently: Managers use much too less time in order to develop talents; a fact that corresponds to our experiences.



Fig. 1: Talent promotion


Daily routine of managers is so full with subjects and appointments that there is just no time left for development or - how we would phrase it - unfolding of talent. At this point, remember the strategy of General Electric: development of talent counts as one of the main targets of the board. Also corresponding to our experiences is the second insight: Recruitment of talents is too less oriented to the organisation's strategy. Organisations mostly operate in the strand "fit for today" instead of far-sightedly recruiting and developing talents who bring along adequate potentials for the future focus.

A good recruiting is still the best personnel development or - as you would say today: the best talent management. What can organisations realistically do among a strategic selection of staff? Developing talents could for example be incorporated in the target agreement of the managers or potential conferences could be regularly held in order to early recognize possible nuisances. Considering the future developments on the employment market: Strategic Personnel Development is and will stay one of the top targets for the future safeguarding of your company!