24.11.2015 Management Y by Brandes, Gemmer, Koschek, Schültken (2014) The book was published 2014 by Campus and written by the four authors Brandes, Gemmer, Koschek and Schültken, all of whom are working in the consultancy field. Brandes is also ...
29.9.2015 Reinventing organisations by Frederic Laloux (2014) A good book. A big book. A revolutionary book. The reviews are outdoing each other. One thing is for sure: The author Laloux has succeeded in writing a fantastic book about the ...
28.9.2015 New leadership culture: instructions versus cooperation Leadership and working cultures are changing dramatically with significant consequences for the recruitment, retention and performance of all employees. Successful pioneering ...
28.9.2015 What is on the agenda of English and Austrian managers? For almost 18 years now, the renowned Roffey Park Institute based in London releases high-quality studies regarding the current challenges of managers in the UK. The results can ...
2.7.2015 Positive leadership - The revolution in leadership (Ruth Seliger) The world changes - thankfully! And with it also the concepts of leadership. In this article we would like to introduce to you a book which describes one of the more innovative, ...
26.6.2015 How managers create high-performance cultures Many companies throughout the Gulf Cooperation Council region fight for growth facing an economic unstable climate. Therefore, many of these companies have been pursuing very ...
19.5.2015 Leadership development: the Global Virtual Team (GVT) Along with increasing internationalization of companies, the challenges of leading global teams have been increasing for years as well. As a result leadership is more and more ...
20.2.2015 "Strong leadership in change" by Alexander Groth (2013) This book occupies an interesting niche. There are many books about creating change processes in organisations, the largest part of which are - if at all - suitable for the top ...
29.1.2015 "Renewable" energy for exhausted organisations wanted! How do you assess the energy level in your organisation? High? Low? Running out? How do employees talk about the company during an after-work-beer with friends? Do they gossip ...
7.1.2015 Change Management: "Tools of Change" Whoever reads the German magazine “OrganisationsEntwicklung - Zeitschrift für Unternehmensentwicklung“ (OrganisationDevelopment - Magazine for Business Development“) on a regular ...
1.7.2014 Change Management: Organisation for Complexity “When Pfläging shakes up the dogmas of management, they crumble in his hands“ - quoting the Financial Times Germany, back when it still existed. If only one they had listened to ...
10.3.2014 Change Management: Culture Change by W. Berner The back of the book describes it the best: Why soft facts are the hard facts of tomorrow. The talk is about Culture Change – Business culture as a competitive advantage written ...
20.6.2013 Internal resignation threatens the ability for innovation The Gallup Engagement Index 2012 shows: German employees are only little committed with their employers - an alarming result. A quarter (24%) of the persons employed have already ...
5.5.2013 How can change processes be more succcessful? So faragile project management methods, e. g.Scrum, have been mostly employed in IT software development (Microsoft, Google etc.). Currently there are considerations on how to ...
20.3.2013 Change Management: How can reorganisation succeed? An article in the ZfO (Zeitschrift „Führung und Organisation“ – a German magazine for „Management and Organisation“) uncovers 6 factors for success that have been familiar for ...