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Ingo Kallenbach

How do we define "healthy relationships"?

In our 5th part of unfolding the concept of a Healthy Organisation we focus on healthy relationships. Relationships represent the operative connecting link between the abstract terms structure (as the “engine“ of an organisation) and culture (as the “soul“ of an organisation). By means of healthy relationships within an organisation, competitive advantages can be achieved: Employees work as one, cooperate, share knowledge, support and trust each other. They also address subjects that are uncomfortable because they know that this will not negatively effect them. They are no “yes sayers“, but also no trouble-makers. They adhere to rules even in unobserved moments, take on additional tasks and present the company positively even towards strangers. All of this is not just a delusion but the result of numerous research findings, e.g. around the concept of “positive organisational behaviour.“ Healthy relationships are thus measurable and a real alternative to so-called knowledge management that does not work anyway and is often performed with great effort.

This is only one side of the coin, however. According to our understanding healthy relationships not only focus on the inside, but they also have a not less important external perspective, including the relationships with typical “stakeholders“ of an organization: customers, partner companies, suppliers, investors, competitors as well as all organs of society. These relationships are healthy when the social intercourse is characterized by fairness, diversity is lived as an integral part of the global world, the observation of compliance rules is seen as something very natural and the taking on of social responsibility as well as the careful use of natural resources is being strived for.
In daily intercourse with each other it will show in the end, how serious employees really take their promises with regard to their organisation’s “corporate social responsibility“ (CSR).