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Ingo Kallenbach

Coaching: "Your Brain at Work" by David Rock

Our recommendation for anyone who has always wanted to find out how our brain functions is the book Your Brain at Work by David Rock. If you neglect the rather unspectacular title of the book, the author actually succeeds in illustrating what happens in one of our most important organs while we work. It becomes clear, why there are certain things that we are capable of doing in parallel, and other things, that demand our full concentration. Why we are exhausted after a regular office day, even though we haven't really done "much". Why our mental capabilities decrease by an average of 10% due to the permanent flood of incoming E-mails and SMS - by almost as much as if we consumed hashish.
David Rock not only gives explanations, but also offers solutions, how we can efficiently unfold our our intellectual potential.


Coaching Braint at work

Fig. 1: Coaching: Brain at Work


The book is divided into four dimensions: Problems and Decisions,Dealing with Stress, Cooperation with Others and Enabling Changes 
Why is that of interest to you as an HR developer? It enables you to take part in the promotion of potential development on an individual and collective level. Individually, e.g. within the scope of specific coaching offers, collectively, e.g. by a conceptual incorporation into existing talent management programs. 


Training: Mbsc - Mindfulness based systemic Coaching

You are a manager, personnel developer, organizational developer or trainer/consultant and would like to train and professionalize yourself in the field of systemic coaching.

You would like to meet trainers who are coaching themselves in business contexts, who work strongly process-oriented and have a high degree of experience. You would like to get to know tools, a sound theoretical basis and innovative concepts. You would like to develop a clear understanding of coaching for yourself and learn to apply coaching from a systemic point of view.

The systemic approach as a basis, mindfulness-based methods and the development of authenticity and presence form the core aspects of this training as a systemic coach.